Time sink.
Time sink.

time sink.

Over 100k pansuns later along with hours of standing around waiting for eggs to hatch, I was only able to breed females, and I used up all of my pewkis' fertilities. All I had to do now was breed that pewki's male partner to make my dream pewki. Then, I managed to breed a female pewki with egg moves, 4 fertility left, and perfect SVs in 5/7 stats. I caught tons of pewkis for hours until I had 10 with the necessary perfect SVs for breeding. I know Piraniant isn't a high rank in the current meta, but I like the way they look. Then I wanted to try out the "replayable end game" content, and I decided to try breeding a perfect Pewki with all egg moves. I finished all the primary and side quests, explored every nook and cranny of the map that is currently accessible, completed my tempedia as much as possible, leveled my favorite 6 temtem to level 48, captured a luma outside of the saipark, received the freetem weekly reward once, and I only bought one item (besides temcards which pay for themselves) along the whole journey (the buzzcut hairstyle that wasn't available in character creation). My Temtem experience so far has been enjoyable for the most part. But, if Temtem is claiming to be an MMO, then they need to set the bar higher and compare their progression and rewards systems to the systems in other modern MMOs. Temtem has better mechanics than many of the archaic mechanics in Pokemon. But, the breeding and money-earning systems in this game are past the point of RNG and grind in moderation.

time sink. time sink.

It can be fun to get a lucky drop, and it can be fun to grind until you reach a significant reward. Modern MMOs are moving away from artificial time sinks (RNG and Grind) that either feel too punishing or do not give a senses of accomplishment that is meaningful enough to justify the invested time and effort.

Time sink.